Paradigm is the tendency of the human dynamic, paradigm can affect anybody, Pattern Think we can help, can also harm us.

TYPE Paradigm :
1. PERFEKSIONIS paradigm.
PERSONAL rate himself as a sharp glance, so do not dare try to own something that is not occupied with the very perfect.
2. OBSESIF paradigm.
Given the ongoing something so frightening menteror themselves to fear that a far greater than himself, and finally stopped while convinced that everything is a catastrophe.
3. Minded Pessimist.
PERSONAL himself who believes that has been condemned. However hard I try to always things that come to less profitable. Personality is not able to see or care will be a success because of his always choose to only see the failure.
4. Minded Dependence on OTHER PEOPLE.
Really want to own but to free the other hand, feel that the only people who can save them. He thinks that they love because they have been saved. He was afraid to lose the good relationship has been built.
5. Minded Bureaucrats / DOGMATIK.
Force will to follow rules and feel that most everything, but we can also have a paradigm of good and constructive.
6. Minded Optimistic.
Personality does not believe that something is not possible. All can be done gradually, slowly get home safely then we will be successful doing something very difficult
7. Paradigm Realistic.
Can overcome fear and negative things and see things without emotion and create a plan in stages, with full confidence
8. Paradigm Taoism.
Ugly is not always black and white is not always better.
Something ugly can be very useful if you have the right on the situation., And something that seems good may harm. Personality always is in the middle path, running by itself without a set, without emotion, as is receiving without compunction.
Any time you can specify the option to change the paradigm.
Whether we will remain with the paradigm of positive or negative paradigm
Paradigm of self-damage that can be changed so that we can work with better, pemaaf, independent, able to express themselves and have a goal.
Budi Jaeni Dahlan from various sources
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